Monday, August 28, 2017

Sidewalk Chalk Project

Sidewalk Chalk

         During the sidewalk chalk activity this week, we learned about symbols and color. First, we brainstormed, and each of us came up with a symbol to represent ourselves. Then we sketched a rough draft on to our paper. After we brainstormed the symbols, we came up with colors for each one. We went with a color scheme of pink, yellow, green , and blue. Each symbol had its own color. We had to come up with a way to combine all four symbols into one design. My group decided on a crest split in 4, with each of our symbols in one corner. In the middle, we put all of our names. When we created our flag in the courtyard, we all helped color in the background, and helped with each of our symbols. We added some flowers around the crest.

         My team worked really well together. We all agreed on an idea, and worked together to draw and create it. Everyone had their own contribution to the group. The symbols helped represent each one of us, and when we put them together, it helped represent all of us working together. In the next activity, we will make sure to add more detail to parts of it, because the top part of our square was blank. We will still work together and cooperate. The collaboration helped us get to know our other classmates, and get to work with them on a. fun and creative project.

My groups finished product
Groups brainstorm symbols and designs for their project

Video Semester 2 Reflection

Short Film      For this project, we had to create a short film using our own scripts. We started the project by pitching script ideas to...