Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Final Reflection



The Project

     For our final project, we had to create a new, innovative product, and use graphics to promote the product and pitch it to an audience. My team created the product Flare, which is a rechargeable, heated coffee cup with adjustable temperature. We started the project at the beginning of fourth quarter, and it took about 9 weeks. my team disagreed on some things, but we compromised and used everyones ideas. I learned a lot about teamwork and collaboration, and also things about design and graphics. we were given some feedback on our presentation, so we made our presentation flow more. I think that my team worked well together and had fun, and I think our project ended up being pretty good.

 What We Made     

     My team stayed productive during this project by looking at due dates and deadlines, and seeing when things needed to be done, and then splitting up the tasks so it would get done faster. Our team had to create a website for the project, along with other graphics, and a commercial. The website was mainly done by one person, and all of the graphics were created by the other people on the team. I created the web banner, the mascot, the word mark, and the animated ad. The commercial that is embedded is my commercial, but we did not use it for our website. There was also a coupon, and all of these are shown above. If we finished our part, we would help our teammates if they needed it. We also communicated outside of class to make sure we had everything done, and to communicate important information.

Strengths and Weaknesses

   I think my strength in e-Comm is graphic design or video. I can be creative and create different things. I am also better at using the programs for these two areas. The areas where I struggled were animation and web. I am not good at using Dreamweaver and Sketchup. 


     During this quarter, I liked rotating classes because it gave you a chance to try everything and meet the teachers. I also liked creating our own logo because we had freedom to create whatever we wanted. If I could change something, I would want to have the projects build off of each other. I learned a lot of new things this year, and how to use many new programs that I had never used before. Next year, I want to improve my skills and make new projects.  this year was really fun an always enjoyed going to class. 

Video Semester 2 Reflection

Short Film      For this project, we had to create a short film using our own scripts. We started the project by pitching script ideas to...